Jobmonitor. Search results for kk-veitingar-ehf

12 Jobs found

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  • kk-veitingar-ehfx
Displaying 1-12 of 12 results.
  • Company Jóel Bæring Jónsson in Other
    12.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Sveitastarf á mjólkurbúi í Dalabyggð.  Starfið felst í eftirfarandi verkefnum:- Umhirðu dýra, að mjólka kýr og sinna kálfum og nautum.- Fóðrun dýra (á litlum traktor).- Þrif.- Hafa umsjón með mjalta róbót og sjá um að öll tæki séu í góðu ásigkomulagi.Um fullt starf er að ræða. Viðkomandi þarf að vera sjálfstæður í vinnubrögðum og áreiðanlegur.Vinnutími er 170 tímar á mánuði.Laun skv. kjarasamningi Bændasamtaka Íslands og Starfsgreinasambands Íslands.Fæði og húsnæði í boði.Vinsamlegast sendið umsókn ásamt ferilskrá á netfangið:óknarfrestur er til og með 20.maí 2024Seeking a farm worker in a dairy farm in Dalabyggð. The job includes:- Taking care of animals: milking cows, calves and bulls.  - Feeding (with small tractor).- Cleaning. - Controlling milking robot an...

  • Company Arctic Empire ehf. in Other
    11.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Arctic Empire ehf is seeking a salmon fly fishing guide in Norðurá river, Iceland. Arctic Empire is a well organized fishing and hunting outfitter in Iceland aiming to give our clients the best service possible when visiting on of our well picked destinations. We have years of fishing and hunting experience all over the world and operating two excellence fishing lodges in Iceland.Arctic Empire Iceland is looking for salmon fishing guide in Nordura river river from 21.June- 1.september 2024. Nordura is approx. 1 hour and 15 minutes drive from capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik.Job description:The job requires being a fly fishing guide in Nordura river, Iceland. The person has to transfer our domestic or global guest to our river by 4x4 jeep. We are looking for person that can work amongst o...

  • Company Hótel Látrabjarg ehf. in Other
    11.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Matreiðslumaður / Matráður óskast á sumarhótel í sveit. Lítið sveitahótel með 12 herbergjum fyrir um 25 næturgesti með veitingasölu óskar eftir kokki  eða matráði til að sjá um matseld fyrir gesti. Möguleiki á starfi við afleysingar annars vegar eða hinsvegar að sjá alfarið um eldhúsið í sumar.Um tímabundið 80% starf er að ræða í vaktavinnu og er starfstímabil frá 15.06. - 15.08. 2024.Hæfniskröfur:- Menntaður matreiðslumaður eða matráður- Gild ökuréttindi B.- Eingöngu reglusamir einstaklingar koma til greina. Atvinnurekandi getur útvegað húsnæði.Umsóknir og CV sendist á Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 01.05.24.Seeking a chef / cook for a summer hotel in the countryside of Westfjords.A small countryhotel accomodating 25 persons in 12 rooms is seeking a chef to supervise th...

  • Company Lagnaþjónusta Vesturlands ehf. in Other
    10.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Veitingastaðurinn Lighthouse á Akranesi óskar eftir starfsmanni í eldhús.Helstu verkefni eru aðstoð við matreiðslumann ásamt uppvaski og frágangi í eldhúsi.Um 100% starf er að ræða og er unnið á 12 tíma vöktum skv. 3-2-2 vaktaskipulagi.Hæfniskröfur:- Reynsla af störfum í eldhúsi.- Sveinspróf í matreiðslu er æskilegt.- Íslensku eða enskukunnátta er skilyrði. Portúgalska er kostur.- Gild ökuréttindi B eru kostur. Laun eru greidd skv. ákvæðum gildandi kjarasamninga. Vinsamlegast sendið umsókn ásamt ferilskrá á netfangið:óknarfrestur er til og með 9. maí 2024.Lighthouse Restaurant in Akranes is seeking a kitchen assistant. The job includes assistance to chef as well as dishwashing and cleaning of kitchen.The position is 100% according to a 3-2-2 shift pattern on 12 hour...

  • Company Hótel Látrabjarg ehf. in Other
    10.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    A small family run hotel in Iceland in the rural settings of Westfjords is seeking experienced staff for the summer season starting June 1st. 2024 until September 5-15th 2024.Each employee will be required to attend to various job responsibilities that include housekeeping +laundry, kitchen work including dishwashing,  servicing of clients (waitressing) and to be a part of team that keeps the whole hotel premises clean and tidy during the summer season as well as providing relevant services and job tasks.  The hotel has 12 rooms accommodating 23-27 guests per night with full occupancy. It also has a small restaurant/dining are for serving breakfast and dinner to the hotel guests at breakfast and dinner time. We look for people which are experienced in this line of work and that are:-    Se...

  • Company Erik the Red Seafood ehf. in Other
    10.04.2024 Updated on: 16.04.2024

    Erik the red seafood ehf óskar eftir starfsfólki við fiskverkun.Starfið er fólgið í fiskverkun, pökkun, flökun og fleira. Um 100% störf er að ræða og er vinnutími frá c.a. 06:00/07:00 - 15:00/16:00 og stundum lengur.Laun greidd samkvæmt kjarasamningum milli SGS og SA. Vinsamlegast sendið umsókn ásamt ferilskrá áóknarfrestur er til og með 30. apríl 2024. Erik the red seafood ehf is seeking fish processing workers.The job includes fish processing, packing, filleting etc.The positions are 100% with work hours approximately from 06:00/07:00 - 15:00/16:00 plus additional extra hours. Wages are in accordance with collective agreements between SGS union and SA. Please apply by filling in an online application here: and put...

  • Company Landspítali in Other
    05.04.2024 Updated on: 11.04.2024

    Expanding the team of Consultant Psychiatrists at LandspitaliLandspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland is looking to expand the team of Consultant Psychiatrists. Landspitali employs around 7000 people and provides specialist health services in inpatient, outpatient and emergency departments. At the hospital we treat different kinds of psychiatric disorders at our various units; Acute Inpatient Unit, Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, Addiction Psychiatry - Inpatient Unit, Forensic Psychiatry Unit, Rehabilitation Units and Outpatient Services. We seek psychiatrists within different specialties/ with a variety of experiences who possess outstanding communication skills, professional ambition, and an interest to work with individuals suffering from severe mental disorders. Lands...

  • Company Rekverk ehf in Other
    04.04.2024 Updated on: 10.04.2024

    Rekverk leitar að starfsmanni. Bæði tímabundið starf og framtíðarstarf kemur til greina.Við sjáum um uppsetningu og viðgerðir á vegriðum um land allt ásamt fleiri verkefnum.Vinnutími:Yfir sumartímann og fram eftir hausti er unnið í 10/4 úthöldum, (þ.e. unnið í 10 daga og frí í 4 daga)Yfir vetrartímann er alla jafna unnið 8-16 virka daga við viðhald á tækjum.Hæfniskröfur:Meirapróf er nauðsynlegtVinnuvélapróf er kosturStundvísi og góð skipulagning Sjálfstæði í vinnu og samviskusemiHæfni í mannlegum samskiptum og vera tilbúinn til að vinna náið í litlum hóp.Nánari upplýsingar um starfið veitir Davíð i síma 659-1541.Áhugasamir sendi umsókn ásamt ferilskrá eða stuttri kynningu á rekverk@rekverk.isEmployer in northern Iceland is looking for workers doing guardrail installation.The work is all ar...

  • Company Himinn sól ehf. in Other
    04.04.2024 Updated on: 10.04.2024

    A restaurant in Blönduós, North west Iceland is seeking waiters for the summer season.The positions are 100% according to a shift pattern with 8 - 10 hour shifts and 2 days off per week.Temporary positions from April until end of September.The job includes receiving guests and directing them to their seats, take orders, carry food on the table, accept payments and finish after guests, wipe and clean, prepare coffee drinks, sell from the menu, make up in the evenings and finish and get ready for the next day. Additionally waiters are also responsible for preparation for the day and cleaning at the end of the day.Requirements:Experience is required. Applicants must have good communication skills, work well in a group.Applicants must be presentable and hygienic. We are looking for employees w...

  • Company Himalaya ehf. in Other
    03.04.2024 Updated on: 10.04.2024

    Ramen Momo is the first and only ramen station in Iceland.Ramen Momo is a ramen restaurant that specialises in Ramen from the area of Tokyo.We are looking for chefs that could start working as soon as possible.We are looking for a Ramen chef with experience, ramen is a unique cooking method and for that reason it would be preferable if applicants have finished a course in Ramen cooking.Qualification:- Make ramen from scratch with a Yamato Machine- Make Tonkotsu, tamago, chachi and tori- Handle service cooking in very busy hours- Good comunication skills- Good English language skills- Basic Icelandic language skills are good but not necessary- Driver's licenseThe positions are 100% with work hours according to shift work 2-2-3 according to Icelandic culinary unions ( Matvís)Wages paid accor...

  • Company BB-Helper SIA in Other
    30.03.2024 Updated on: 06.04.2024

    We are looking for a sales manager in our small Georgian wine import company to work in Reykjavik. Our company specialises in importing Georgian wines, contributing to the diversification of the local market and fostering cultural exchange between Georgia and Iceland. The Sales Manager position is pivotal in establishing and maintaining relationships with local distributors, retailers, and consumers. We are looking for a professional with a deep understanding of Georgian wines and experience in the Georgian wine industry.Requirements:- Fluent English - Georgian language is an advantage- Experience in the Georgian wine industry- Experience in sales- Very good communication skills- Good computer proficiency- Customer service mindset and flexibilitySalary is based on the VR and SA collective ...

  • Company Vinnumálastofnun in Other
    29.03.2024 Updated on: 03.04.2024

    Umsjón með fasteignumVinnumálastofnun óskar eftir að ráða öfluga aðila í umsjón með fasteignum umsækjenda um alþjóðlega vernd (UAV). Um tvær stöður er að ræða.Um er að ræða mjög fjölbreytt og viðamikið starf þar sem reynir á lausnarmiðað og jákvætt hugarfar í samheldnu teymi.Starfsstöð viðkomandi er í höfuðstöðvum Vinnumálastofnunar á Grensásvegi 9 en fasteignir UAV eru staðsettar víðsvegar um landið, flestar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og Reykjanesi.Leitað er eftir einstaklingum sem eiga auðvelt með að tileinka sér gildi Vinnumálastofnunnar, sem er:Fyrirmyndarþjónusta, virðing og áreiðanleiki.Næsti yfirmaður verður deildarstjóri rekstrardeildar en viðkomandi mun vinna undir stjórn teymisstjóra.Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð:  Umsjón með viðhaldi fasteigna og sinna léttu viðhaldi.    Reglulegar úttekt...

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